Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. Furthermore, day by day globalization is reaching topics all over the world, such as activism. Hundreds of people are getting involved into globalization and corporations and the government takes the place to have everything in order, just in case of any problems between countries. By addition, all of the governments from different countries have opinions about globalization, both negative and positive. As it is said, globalization takes and gives away, sometimes negative and others positive. After all, it has led the countries to have many different opportunities that they could not have, if globalization wasn't as accessible as it is nowadays. For instance, Ribeiro, J. (2000) mentions: ”India is a big country which, thanks to globalization for the last year, they have been developing in a certain way of growing, which wouldn't have happened without globalization”. Besides this, the governments have reached into creating new policies, leading to the import duties on the components, which have been lower than the duties on the raw materials the component makers use for making the components. "
Angela Lopez Carrillo - IGE